Building Directory
top- ABAT (Animal Science Abattoir)
- ABRF (Applied Broiler Research Farm)
- ACOS (Alpha Chi Omega )
- ADMN (Administration Building)
- ADOA (Adohi Hall A )
- ADOB (Adohi Hall B)
- ADOC (Adohi Hall C)
- ADPS (Alpha Delta Pi)
- ADSB (Administrative Services Building)
- AEDL (Agricultural Education Laboratory)
- AFLS (Agricultural, Food, and Life Sciences Building)
- AGFL (Agronomy Field Laboratory)
- AGRC (Altheimer Greenhouses)
- AGRI (Agriculture Building)
- AGRX (Agriculture Annex)
- AKAS (Alpha Kappa Alpha)
- ALTH (Altheimer Laboratory)
- ALUM (Janelle Y. Hembree Alumni House)
- ANSL (Animal Science Laboratory)
- AOPS (Alpha Omicron Pi)
- ARAS (Archeological Survey Building)
- ARKA (410 Arkansas)
- ARKU (Arkansas Union)
- ARMY (Army ROTC Building)
- ASIU (Animal Science Isolation Unit)
- ASTC (Abernathy AgriScience & Technology Education Center)
top- BAEL (Biological and Agricultural Engineering Laboratory)
- BALL (E. J. Ball Plaza)
- BAND (Lewis E. Epley Jr. Band Hall)
- BBPC (Basketball Performance Center)
- BBSA (Baum-Walker Stadium at George Cole Field (men's baseball))
- BBTR (Baseball and Track Training Center)
- BEEF (Beef Farm)
- BELL (Bell Engineering Center)
- BGRN (Biology Greenhouse)
- BIOR (Biomass Research Center)
- BKST (University Bookstore)
- BLCA (Bev Lewis Center for Women's Athletics)
- BNDS (Band Storage Building)
- BOGL (Bogle Park (women's softball))
- BPAV (Barton Pavilion)
- BPIF (Bogle Park Indoor Facility (women's softball))
- BREW (Brewer Family Entrepreneurship Hub)
- BUCH (Buchanan-Droke Hall)
- BUSB (Razorback Transit Maintenance Facility)
- BWAR (Bud Walton Arena)
- BWCH (Bud Walton Chiller Plant)
top- CABA (Calf Barn / Implement Shed)
- CARN (Ella Carnall Hall)
- CCHP (Central Utility Plant - Central Chilled Water Plant)
- CENA (836 Center Street)
- CERM (Ceramics Studio)
- CHBC (Chemistry and Biochemistry Research Building)
- CHEM (Chemistry Building)
- CHPN (Champions Hall)
- CIOS (Chi Omega)
- CLIN (Clinton House Museum)
- CLKR (Margaret Clark Hall)
- CLNB (873 Clinton Drive)
- COGT (Chi Omega Greek Theatre)
- COLA (The Collaborative - Executive Center and Data Visualization Lab)
- COLB (The Collaborative - Greenhouse)
- COLC (The Collaborative - Learning Lab)
- CORD (Cordia Harrington Center for Excellence)
- CPRC (Cargill Poultry Research Center)
- CROP (Crop Science Research Center)
- CSRC (Cato Springs Research Center)
- CWRL (Cralley-Warren Laboratory)
top- FAMA (Facilities Management)
- FARM (FarmHouse)
- FAYJ (Fay Jones House)
- FBAC (Frank Broyles Athletic Center)
- FDSC (Food Science Building)
- FEDM (Animal Science Feed Mill )
- FERR (Daniel E. Ferritor Hall)
- FEST (Fertilizer Storage Shed)
- FMSG (Fred W. and Mary B. Smith Razorback Golf Center)
- FNAR (Fine Arts Center)
- FNDR (Founders Hall)
- FODR (Forage Dryer)
- FPAC (Jim and Joyce Faulkner Performing Arts Center)
- FRMR (Farm Manager's Residence)
- FSDI (1021 W. Dickson)
- FSFC (Fred Smith Football Center)
- FSPF (Pomfret Dining Hall)
- FSST (Food Science Storage)
- FUTR (Futrall Hall)
- FWCS (Fowler Conservatory)
- FWLR (Wallace W. and Jama M. Fowler House (chancellor's residence))
top- GACS (Garland Avenue Shops)
- GAPG (Garland Avenue Garage)
- GATE (Gatehouse - east)
- GATW (Gatehouse - west)
- GAW1 (Government Avenue Warehouse 1)
- GAZ1 (NCAA National Championship Gazebo)
- GAZ2 (1964 & 1965 Football Teams Gazebo)
- GAZ3 (George Family Gazebo)
- GAZ4 (Stanley Reed Family Gazebo)
- GAZ5 (Charles & Clydene Scharlau Family Gazebo)
- GEAR (G. David Gearhart Hall)
- GIBS (Gibson Hall)
- GIBX (Gibson Annex)
- GLAD (Gladson-Ripley Hall)
- GLBL (Global Campus)
- GRAD (Graduate Education Building)
- GRAE (Graham East)
- GRAS (Graham South)
- GRCS (Greenhouse CSES)
- GREG (Gregson Hall)
- GREN (Greenhouse (Entomology))
- GRHA (Greenhouse A)
- GRHB (Greenhouse B (Horticulture))
- GRHC (Greenhouse C (Horticulture))
- GRHD (Greenhouse D (Horticulture))
- GRHE (Greenhouse E (Horticulture))
- GRHF (Greenhouse F (Horticulture))
- GRHG (Greenhouse G (Horticulture))
- GRHH (Greenhouse H (Horticulture))
- GRHI (Greenhouse I)
- GRHJ (Greenhouse J)
- GRHK (Greenhouse K)
- GRND (Grounds Shop)
- GRNE (Graham Northeast)
- GRNW (Graham Northwest)
- GRPA (Greenhouse A (Plant Pathology))
- GRPB (Greenhouse B (Plant Pathology))
- GRPC (Greenhouse C (Plant Pathology))
- GRPD (Greenhouse D (Plant Pathology))
- GRPE (Greenhouse E (Plant Pathology))
- GRPF (Greenhouse F (Plant Pathology))
- GRPG (Greenhouse G (Plant Pathology))
- GRPH (Greenhouse H (Plant Pathology))
- GTWR (Willard B. Gatewood, Jr. Hall at Northwest Quad )
top- HAPG (Harmon Avenue Garage)
- HAPI (Harmon Avenue Garage - front building)
- HATCH (Hatchery )
- HATH (Hathcock Building)
- HAY1 (Hay Barn 1)
- HAY2 (Animal Science Hay Barn 2 (class D))
- HAY3 (Hay barn 3)
- HAY4 (Hay barn 4)
- HAY5 (Feed barn / hay barn 5)
- HCEC (Grady E. Harvell Civil Engineering Research and Education Center)
- HDEC (High Density Electronics Center)
- HEAT (Central Utility Plant - Heating Plant)
- HILL (Hillside Auditorium)
- HLTH (Pat Walker Health Center)
- HMAC (Horticulture Machine Shop)
- HOEC (Human Environmental Sciences Building)
- HOFL (Horticulture Field Laboratory)
- HOLR (Holcombe Hall)
- HOMS (Horticulture Machinery Shed)
- HOTZ (Hotz Hall)
- HOUS (University Housing Office)
- HPER (Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Building)
- HRDR (Arthur M. Harding Hall)
- HUMP (Humphreys Hall)
- HUNT (Silas H. Hunt Hall)
top- MAIN (Old Main)
- MARK (Markham House (Alpha Phi Alpha))
- MASN (Machinery Shed - North)
- MASS (Machinery Shed - South)
- MCHS (McIlroy House (University Press))
- MEEG (Mechanical Engineering Building)
- MEMH (Memorial Hall)
- MGNR (Gordon Morgan Hall)
- MHER (Maple Hill Residence Hall - east)
- MHSR (Maple Hill Residence Hall - south)
- MHWR (Maple Hill Residence Hall - west)
- MLKA (1564 West Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard)
- MLKB (1542 West Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard )
- MLKG (1424 West Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard )
- MSAS (Machine Shed/Storage)
- MSHD (Machine Shed)
- MSPG (Meadow Street Parking Garage)
- MSSC (Machinery Shed (Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences))
- MULN (David W. Mullins Library)
- MUSC (George and Boyce Billingsley Music Building)
top- PAV1 (Holding Pen Pavilion)
- PBPS (Pi Beta Phi)
- PDTF (Phi Delta Theta)
- PEAH (Peabody Hall)
- PGCH (Plant Growth Chamber)
- PGDF (Phi Gamma Delta)
- PHMS (Phi Mu)
- PHYS (Physics Building)
- PKAF (Pi Kappa Alpha)
- POBF (Poultry Breeder Farm)
- PODL (Poultry Disease Laboratory)
- POEL (Poultry Environmental Laboratory)
- POFM (Poultry Feed Mill)
- POHL (John Kirkpatrick Skeeles Poultry Health Laboratory)
- POMA (Pomfret Hall A)
- POMB (Pomfret Hall B)
- POMC (Pomfret Hall C)
- POMD (Pomfret Hall D)
- POSC (John W. Tyson Building)
- POTF (Poultry Teaching Facility)
- PPPC (Poultry Pilot Processing Plant)
- PPRC (Facilities Management Recycling (warehouse A))
- PRES (Printing Services)
- PTSC (Plant Sciences Building)
top- SAEF (Sigma Alpha Epsilon)
- SASH (Sawfly Shed)
- SCEN (Science Engineering Hall)
- SCHF (Sigma Chi)
- SCUL (Sculpture Studio)
- SDCR (Studio and Design Center)
- SDPG (Stadium Drive Garage)
- SDRA (Razorback Field - fieldhouse (women-s soccer))
- SHLH (481 Shiloh Drive)
- SINF (Sigma Nu)
- SMGR (Small Grain)
- SOAX (School of Art Annex)
- SODU (16 South Duncan)
- SSPA (Razorback Field)
- SSWH (South School Avenue Warehouse)
- STAB (Study Abroad House)
- STBA (Razorback Field - ticket booth)
- STON (Edward Durell Stone House - north)
- STOS (Edward Durell Stone House - south)
- STPA (Storage (Plant Pathology))
- STR1 (Storage Building)
- STUS (Storage (USDA))
- SUST (Sustainability House)
- SUZM (Suzuki Music School of Arkansas)
- SWCP (Southwest Chiller Plant)
- SWNA (Swine Farm (old))
- SWNB (Swine Farm)
- SWRC (Southwest Radiation Calibration Center)
top- WAAX (346 West Avenue)
- WAHR (Bud Walton Hall)
- WALK (Vol Walker Hall)
- WAQR (Water Quality Research)
- WATR (Leflar Law Center - Waterman Hall, Robert A. and Vivian Young Law Library)
- WCEO (Washington County Extension Office (Cooperative Extension Service))
- WCOB (Business Building)
- WHIA (Livestock Barn)
- WHIT (Pauline Whitaker Animal Science Center)