Departmental Directory
top- Academic Integrity & Initiatives (INTG)
- Academic Support (BOGA)
- Accounting (ACCT)
- Admissions/School & College Relations (ASCR)
- AFLS-Agri Economics and Agribusiness (TAEA)
- AFLS-Agri Educ Comm & Technology (TAEC)
- AFLS-Animal Sciences (TANS)
- AFLS-Crop, Soil and Environmental Sci (TCSE)
- AFLS-Entomology (TENT)
- AFLS-Food Science (TFDS)
- AFLS-Horticulture (THOR)
- AFLS-Human Environmental Sciences (THES)
- AFLS-Poultry Sciences (TPOS)
- African & African American Studies (AAST)
- Ag Law Center (AGLW)
- Agri Educ Communications & Technology (AECT)
- Agricultural Communication Services (AGCS)
- Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness (AEAB)
- Agricultural Research & Extension Center (AREC)
- Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences (AFLS)
- Air Force Rotc (AERO)
- Alumni Office (ALUM)
- Animal Science (ANSC)
- Anthropology (ANTH)
- AR Center for Space & Planetary Sciences (SCTR)
- AR Inst-Nanoscale Materials Science/Engr (NANO)
- Architecture (ARCH)
- Architecture Community Design Center (ACDC)
- Architecture Garvan Gardens (ARGG)
- Ark Research & Educ Optical Network (ARON)
- Arkansas Archeological Survey (ARAS)
- Arkansas Forest Resources Center (UAMF)
- Arkansas Traveler (SGAT)
- Arkansas Union (ARKU)
- Arkansas Water Resources Center (AWRC)
- Arkansas World Trade Center (AWTC)
- Army Rotc (MILS)
- Arsc-Humanities Program (ARHM)
- Arts & Sciences (ARSC)
- Assoc Vice Chan of Business Affairs (AVCB)
- Associate Vice Chancellor/Finance (AVCF)
- Atheltics Digital Media (DGTL)
- Athletic Director Office (ADOF)
- Athletic Event Management (EVMT)
- Athletic Guest Relations (GSRL)
- Athletic IT Support (AITS)
- Athletic Special Events (SEVT)
- Athletic Sport Psychology (TRSP)
- Athletics (ATHL)
- Athletics Broadcast Services (BCST)
- Athletics Compliance (ACOM)
- Athletics External Affairs (EXAF)
- Athletics Graphic Design/Fabrication (GRPH)
- Athletics Marketing (AMKT)
- Athletics Sport Nutrition (TRSN)
- Athletics Video (AVID)
- Athletics-Golf (GOLF)
- Athletics-Tennis (TENN)
- AVC-SA-Dean of Students (SADE)
top- Campus Card Office (STID)
- Campus Radio (CRAD)
- Career Services (CPLP)
- Carpenter Shop (CARP)
- Cell & Molecular Biology (CEMB)
- Center For Advanced Spatial Technologies (CAST)
- Center for Agricultural Data Analytics (CADA)
- Center For Business & Economic Research (CBER)
- Center for Educational Access (DSTU)
- Center for Learning & Student Success (CLSS)
- Center for Math & Science Education (CMSE)
- Central Supply (CESU)
- Chancellor (CHAN)
- Cheerleading & Pom Pon Squad (CHPP)
- Chemical Engineering (CHEG)
- Chemistry & Biochemistry (CHBC)
- Civil Engineering (CVEG)
- Clinton School of Public Service (CSPS)
- Communication (COMM)
- Computer Science & Computer Engineering (CSCE)
- Computer Support (COMS)
- Construction Services (CSAD)
- Contracted Services (CONS)
- Cooperative Extension Service (CES)
- Cotton Research Station (CTST)
- Criminal Justice Institute (CJI)
- Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences (CSES)
- Ctr for Leadership & Community Engagemen (CLCE)
- Ctr for Management & Executive Education (CMEE)
- Curriculum and Instruction (CIED)
- Custodial Care (CUST)
- Custodial DS Unit A (CDSA)
- Custodial DS Unit B (CDSB)
- Custodial Graveyard Shift (CUGS)
- Custodial NS Zone A (CNZA)
- Custodial NS Zone B (CNZB)
- Custodial NS Zone D (CNZD)
- Custodial NS Zone E (CNZE)
- Custodial NS Zone F (CNZF)
- Custodial Project/Relief Pool (CPRU)
top- Facility Planning Admin. (FPPM)
- Facility Software Maintenance Management (FSMM)
- Faulkner Performing Arts Center (FPAC)
- Fay Jones Architecture Design (FJAD)
- Finance (FINN)
- FM Accounting (PPAC)
- FM Executive Management (EXMG)
- FM Maintenance Zone A (ZONA)
- FM Maintenance Zone B (ZONB)
- FM Maintenance Zone D (ZOND)
top- Scholarship Office (ASCH)
- School of Art (ART)
- School of Human Environmental Sciences (HES)
- School of Journalism and Strategic Media (JOUR)
- School of Social Work (SCSW)
- Service Center (SVCT)
- Small Business Development Center (SBDC)
- Sociology and Criminology (SOCI)
- Soil Testing (SOIL)
- Southeast Research Station (SEST)
- Southwest Research & Extension Center (SWRE)
- Space & Planetary Sciences (SPAC)
- Special Set-ups (SPSU)
- Statistics and Analytics (STAN)
- Strategic Campus Partnerships (SCPS)
- Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Venture Inn (SEVI)
- Student Activities (OSIL)
- Student Aff Development & Communication (SADC)
- Student Affairs Operations (SAOP)
- Student Affairs Student Success (SASS)
- Student Financial Aid (STFA)
- Student Life (STLI)
- Student Media (STUM)
- Student Standards and Conduct (CSSE)
- Student Support Services (SSS)
- Summer School (SUMM)
- Supply Chain Management (LSCM)
- Sustainability (SUST)
- Sustainability-Interdisciplinary Program (SUS)